“But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.”

Psalms 34:10

Jordan knew that God was leading her. She had decided she would leave everything behind and go to a six-week program in Australia hosted by David Assherick. This six-week program would train her to become a Bible worker. Oppositions were coming from every angle, but there was no doubt in Jordan's mind that she HAD to go. Jordan moved to Australia. This six-week program turned into a six-year stay. In the process, Jordan got closer to the LORD. She allowed for some deep healing to take place in her life as she ministered to others on a daily basis. Family and friends began to notice a change in Jordan. She was easier to talk with and pleasant to be around. She referred to the Holy Scriptures in all conversations. Jordan was finally at peace with mankind. For the first time in her life, Jordan felt whole. She felt complete. Doing God's work had transformed her to a new creature. She had a new heart, one that sought Christ and found Him.

It was not part of Jordan's plan to ever return to the United States, but God had other plans. When Jordan's visa was not renewed for the third time, she trusted that God was leading, and she returned home. Jordan kept a song in her heart and a positive attitude throughout the challenges ahead. She had nowhere to go, so she made it a habit of sleeping in her car and then on top of her car. All through the trials, she kept the positive attitude she had obtained from the Lord.

After a little while, she realized she needed to go back to Southern Adventist University in Tennessee to finish school. She didn't have any money, and she didn't have a place to stay. But she knew that all the riches in the world belonged to her Heavenly Father. When she got to Tennessee, she heard about an older gentleman looking for a caregiver. She met with the gentleman's family, and immediately the family hired her. She told them she didn't know CPR or anything dealing with health. She told them her major was math and anything else she could think of to let them know she was the least qualified person for the job. Yet she was still hired. The Lord provided her with free shelter, and she sold religious books door-to-door to pay her college tuition. She will be graduating with an educational degree in May 2023.

There's a little saying, “What God orders, He pays for.” Jordan has a loving family consisting of a mother, a father, and siblings. She has godly friends who would gladly take her in, but God wasn't leading her in those directions. He was leading her to Southern Adventist University to finish her college work. Since God led her there, He provided fully to meet all of her needs. What Paul says in Philippians 4:11 is true of Jordan: “Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.”

Call to Action

Where is God leading you? Are you answering His call, or has fear kept you dormant? Use Ezekiel 36:26 as a personal prayer or a prayer for someone you know struggling to follow the Lord.

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”

Ezekiel 36:26

All scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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