“And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”

Isaiah 65:24

Not long back I read an article written by a church stewardship director here in Michigan. He wrote about an experience he had as a boy. One Sabbath a student from a nearby seminary delivered the sermon, and this boy’s father conversed with the young man after the service. The boy’s eyes nearly popped out of his head when his father opened his wallet and took out a neatly folded, crisp $50 bill and gave it to the student preacher that day.

The boy was astounded, knowing his father worked hard and long and scrimped to have that much money to tuck away into his billfold. As the boy thought about it, why didn’t his father give him the money? After all, he could think of many things he could do with it. So he asked his father about the cash.

The wise father taught his son a lesson that day. The father noted, “No matter how little or how much you have, always be prepared to help someone in need.”

Droplets tumbled from my eyes, for I too had just learned that lesson. I have often had that “give me, give me” attitude. Why did so and so give that person a vehicle? Why not me? I need one worse than she did. As I read the article, I knew God was speaking to my heart and why people did not give me stuff. God wanted to teach me about giving, not getting. Thus, I did not hesitate to pick up my own wallet. All I had at that moment was a $20 bill, but I folded it and tucked it into another compartment.

Shortly after reading this article, a lady who had become a friend because of our work selling Christian books suddenly passed to her final rest on this earth. She and her husband had very little in terms of worldly goods and acquired some debt because of their need. As a team, the two of them worked hard selling books that draw people to the Lord. Some months they did well. Other months left them with nearly nothing. We had talked a few years ago about how she wanted to get out of debt, and she was praying that God would lead the way.

When I learned of her death, I prayed for her husband. She hadn’t spoken of their financial need of late, but I also sensed that there was a huge monetary obligation with medical expenses because of her stroke and the funeral. When I learned that a GoFundMe account had been established for him, I committed to God that I would send him $100 from my meager savings on the next day I could go to the bank — not a lot in comparison to his need, but it was the greatest I had to offer.

Just a few hours later I was going through some things when I opened an envelope from my bank. Inside was a crisp $100 bill. I had set the money aside for car insurance, but I didn’t put it where I normally do. The car insurance had already been paid, so I knew why God had held the money from my eyes. I melted into a puddle of tears. God had heard my cry and provided the needed funds before I knew I would even use them for an unexpected necessity.

The $20 has been replaced by another $100 bill that the Lord provided. God has already grown that original $20 for someone else. It is there for Him to put forth as He knows best.

Call to Action

No matter how much or how little you have, how much are you willing to commit to God before you learn of someone else’s need?

All scripture taken from the King James Version.

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